ESG Management

As a leader in society, we approach our work with a sense of purpose and a heightened ethical consciousness.

Environment, Safety & Health Management

Based on Respect for People

Operating with respect for people, ISU Specialty Chemical is creating an advanced safety and health management system with a view to minimizing the economic and human losses caused by disasters. The belief that good-quality products can come out of a safe and clean workplace! It's another important element of the entrepreneurial spirit of ISU Chemical.

SHE Policy

  • 01. Compliance with regulations and fulfillment of stakeholders' demands through the establishment of a systematic framework

  • 02. Continuous identification and improvement of safety, health, and environmental risks to ensure accident-free workplaces

  • 03. Establishment of eco-friendly workplaces through the development and utilization of eco-friendly products

Safety and Health Management Activities

Process Safety Management

By introducing process safety management (PSM/SMS), the company continues to address remaining risk factors through risk assessment for the entire process. The company responds to and prepares for spreading damage by assessing risk levels through quantitative risk assessment designed to minimize damage. Moreover, the company does its best to achieve fundamental safety by reviewing the safety as affected by the construction, expansion, and alteration of plants.

Safety Education & Training

We create plans to conduct inter-level or rank-specific education and training for the entire staff, and do our best to prevent disasters by cultivating the ability to foresee hazards and getting used to discovering hazard factors through small-group workshops focusing on actual accidents and education that instills in managers diverse knowledge on safety and health.

Safety & Health Management System

Continuous improvement is made through the circulatory process that involves creating, carrying out, inspecting, correcting, and managerially reviewing an action plan for autonomous safety and health management activities with entire staff. The company does its best to create a comfortable and safe work environment by installing systematic safety and health activities.

Received the National Quality Award

Safety & Health Management System

  • Risk assessment
  • SOP development
  • Discovering actual accidents caused by mistakes

ISO 45001

Current Certifications

Type of Certification Certifying Agency Date of Certification
ISO 45001 DNV Jun. 2019
OHSAS 8001 DNV Nov. 2009
KGS 18001 Korea Gas Safety Corporation (KGS) Dec. 2004
OHSAS 8001 DNV Dec. 2002